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Jiangxi XXX company contract drafting review

Jiangxi XXX company contract drafting review

On December 1, the client consulted our lawyer in the legal service group about the need to draft a contract, and asked both Party A and Party B about the service fee and liquidated damagesWhat words should be used in the contract to protect the rights and interests of the customer。

After detailed communication with the client through legal affairs,We understand that Party A represents Party B (the client company) to participate in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions held by the government,A contract is needed to protect the rights and interests of both parties,Ensure fairness and justice,To make the contract more rigorous,Clients consult our professional lawyers in the Legal Services Group,Want to avoid possible risks in the future,To prevent future contract errors and contract disputes。

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Jiangxi Juyue Enterprise service Co., LTD
Company official phone: 
15979049340 (Legal Advisor)
13576825025 (Accounting Consultant)
Address: Room 1408, Building A, Yigao Plaza, Chengnan Avenue, Qingyunpu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province
Ji 'an Branch Address: Room 408, 4th floor, Keno Danting Building, Jinggangshan Avenue, Jizhou District, Ji 'an City
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